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We love taking part in FTC. It teaches us skills that we will use for the rest of our life. Along the way, we have taken part in many volunteering opportunities in and around our community.


One way we decided to help was by visiting a local senior center on Christmas and painting with them. It was really fun and we all enjoyed it very much.


Also every Tuesdays and Wednesdays, our FTC team teaches basic Lego robotics at an underprivileged daycare center in Harrisburg, PA called “Studio Kids Early Learning Center”. We try to focus on the main and basic concepts of Lego robotics by using the “Lego mind-storms EV3 Robotics Kit”.We also try to focus on real-life robotics and also about the First organization and Its available opportunities.


We also helped many local FLL teams, one of them being Supernova. We helped the team in programming and building the robot. We explained to them how to program and then helped them build a basic robot. We also gave them our FLL robot so they could look at how we built it. We gave them some ideas too like the worm gear and etc.  


Another team we had helped was the team Gearshift. Since they were a rookie team, we had some of our teammates go to some of their meetings and answer questions that they had about FLL and FIRST.


Along the way, we visit many fun and interesting places. We visited the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Factory in York, PA.  One of the factory workers took us on a tour through the factory. Throughout the tour, we learned about the assembly of the motorcycles, and how the used robotic arms to assemble them. 


Our next outreach was TE Connectivity, an engineering based company that specializes in connectors and sensors. We also learned many different types of 3D modeling. Going to TE was very useful because we learned about different ways to use 3D modeling to make our robot parts and how to reduce unwanted materials. 


        After all, we learned from our outreach experience, we decided to teach the scouts from Troop-66 Hummelstown, PA on the ideas and information we picked up along our way. We set up a google slides presentation to teach the scouts on the different Robotics competitions provided and hosted by the “First organization” and their required depth of thinking including FLL, FTC and more. We also taught them on how robotics really works and how it may affect our future.







Our Outreaches

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